Friday, July 08, 2005

What Is the Proper Response?

After the bombing in London yesterday, our response was a combinaton of sorrow for the loss of innocent life and outrage at those who perpetrated the attack, and rightly so. However, I can't help but think that at some point our sorrow and outrage should turn to smug laughter at the sheer stupidity of such tactics. I mean, really, what have they accomplished by this attack? Is the British military hampered in any way by this? Is Britian's industrial capacity in any way lessened by this? Will even the portions of London's public transportation system directly affected by the bombings be shut down for more than a couple of days? Let alone the whole of it? What have they actually accomplished beyond getting us angry again? It makes no sense because what these tactics accomplish is not determined in by what they do, but rather what how we react to what they do. On a certain level, shouldn't our reaction be something along the lines of, "Dude, you guys are morons. We just thought you might like to know that before we kill you."

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